First and foremost, I’m terribly sorry for the delay. I assure you that the last two AGE-UP sessions were a bundle of fun. I’d love to explain but I’ll just divert your attention with a joint post!
Anyway, during our Tuesday session, we were devastated to find out that our beloved Top Chef extraordinaire, Lisa, was missing out on our LAST session to go to Hawaii. Alright, we weren’t “devastated”, but I missed her. In lieu of her absence, the outreach group and I chipped in to make the best darn potatoes, eggs, bacon, muffins, and fruit salad ever made in Lisa’s absence. We also had Leah’s friend, Sammi Jo join us!
After our feeding frenzy, we divided into our respective job groups and went to work. Of course, everyone worked.. except for me.
Interesting story, too. The media group and Lynda had the pleasure of writing thank you cards to our benevolent donors and guest speakers. Of course, my hand had the audacity to thank a guest speaker for Legos. Sure, my mistake garnered tons of laughs, but I think I’m barred from writing thank you notes now…
With work out of the way, we circled up and began our show and tell presentations. Due to the four walls agreement, I’ll just disclose that we shared laughs, cries, and talents- all a great way to end the second year winter session.
On Friday, team Top Chef and others collaborated to concoct a spaghetti dinner complete with steamed broccoli and baked squash. In contrast to the very first session, we all mingled comfortably amongst each other. AGE-UP family? Check.
After, coaches and players alike crammed into the next room to play sex-positive jeopardy. Facilitated by Frances, Jhanelle, and Vanessa, each of the five groups chose a specific animal sound to mimic in place of a buzzer. Each correct answer won a team their choice of a condom or a piece of candy. Jhanelle’s voice will forever ring in my head: “Condom… or CANDY?!” Although I can’t remember who won, we had a blast! So did Julie’s inflated condom…(not pictured.. thankfully).
After the first half of the session we were overjoyed to find out that we wouldn’t have to travel to Rainier Vista. Yay, saving time! In Jefferson’s gym, we were greeted by Callie, who led us through a multitude of blind exercises to reiterate the importance of communication. Among them was an activity in which we chose groups of four and were given an animal sound. From there, we shouted said animal sound throughout the gym with our eyes closed in order to find our group mates.
Interestingly enough, while my eyes were closed, some jerk (SUSAN) tried to lead me astray by mimicking my group’s noise. Shortly after, we concluded the session with an all-program round of boot and an ecstatic cheer. AGE-UP!