At this First year session Race was the topic.
First we started off with check in and how we felt like usual. Then Lisa brought out all of her fruits to demonstrate how race is similar to vegetables and fruits. It sounds complicated but it’s not that complicated. Race is like sorting vegetables, it’s not real and meaningful.
Lisa shared the definition of racism and it meant system of advantages based on race. Racism is like an iceberg. You can only see one third of it!!! The top of the iceberg shows individual racism and the bottom of the iceberg shows systematic/institutional racism. We discussed about how that is similar to comparing north end schools vs south end schools. Typically, many people from the north end schools are white and rich and south end schools are more diverse. It was really neat to talk about how the color of our skin, our ethnicity, the way we look in general effect the environment.
Everyone was then broken into four groups to discuss about privileges, power, oppression, and allyship.
We closed out and headed to the gym where we took a survey and drew/wrote about experiences we had when we felt privilege, power, allyship, and/or oppression. Then our wonderful guess Mikaela had us warm up and enhance our downfield marking skills plus a little scrimmaging! It got a little tiring!
Then we ended with a check out and a loud AgeUp cheer!