Returners Amanda and Gaby led today’s (Jan. 23rd) session. In the first activity, we were all broken into three groups and given a description of someone. We had to discuss the characteristics of each person and see what information about the person we could find just from a three sentence description. One described a social activist who spent nine months in jail fighting for something they believed in, another was someone who loved cats and dogs and abstained from smoking or drinking and the last person discussed being very close to their parents. The person seemed genuine and loving in all of the descriptions and in the end we found out that all three descriptions were the same person, Hitler! Can I say mind boggling?!
The second part of the session we did an activity where Amanda or Gaby shared a scenario, such as, “I don’t have to worry about how I spend my money”, “I see my race represented on television”, or “I will be the first in my family to graduate high school” and if you related to it you moved to a specific spot in the room. The spots were ” Agree” , “IDK” and “Disagree”. It was an eye opener to many of us that our peers went into the groups they did. After each scenario, each group had time to discuss why they thought they belonged in that certain spot and then each spot would share with the larger group.
We all then had a chance to create our own scenarios. There where some funny ones and there was some serious ones, like “I am in my element when I am in school” and “I find my siblings annoying.” This activity brought the AGEUP girls closer just like every session we have.
To end the night we got into our groups and discussed the future steps for our groups and enjoyed some hot cocoa. Stay tuned for next Wednesdays session!
PS: Don’t forget to support AGEUP in the WFA fundraiser!