All She Does is Win

Our very own Hana Kawai was just announced as one of the winners of the first annual Without Limits Grassroots Organizing Awards!!  She was nominated in every category (wooow…) and was the winner of the Creativity Award (boss). She was recognized for her work with AGE UP and Franklin, and for her dedication to social justice and inclusion (pew pew pew!!). We think she’s pretty great too. Thank you to Without Limits for noticing, and for the great work they do – check them out! What’s Hana doing right now? Traveling to compete in the World Championships with Seattle Riot! Which means we can get away with posting a gallery of a few Hana moments because she’s not around to stop us…

Showing off the new AGE UP beanies with Kendra…
Being great with Franklin Girls Ultimate and co-coach for the ages Lisa Niemann…
Trying to wake up en route to the AGE UP Leadership Team retreat…



