Youth Speaks & Springrolls! 11/05/14

Heyy its gmoneyfoshizzle (Gabby M) and the honay boobae (Kaitlyn S) in da hOUse!

Today Shelby taught us that youth speaks is a youth organization that helps takeout your innerself through poetry. We expressed ourselfs by writing our own poem to share out with our fello age SQUADDD.IMG_20141105_162133

We ate spring rolls with multiple sauces. It was very delicious and made by our very own age up staff.  Also Gabby (Balanon) surprisingly came in with starbucks to share with me and honay boobae.unnamed

Also some very exciting news is that SOME OF THE UNDERGROUND PLAYERS/COACHES are going to teach some underground moves lol if you know what I mean. Well gotta get back to playing Frisbee, till next time fello playas




