AGE UP News & Updates

  • January 23rd Power, Privilege and Perspective

    Returners Amanda and Gaby led today’s (Jan. 23rd) session. In the first activity, we were all broken into three groups and given a description of someone. We  had to discuss the characteristics of each person and see what information about the person we could find just from a three sentence description. One described a social…

  • Can opener!

    Speaking of can openers, today we’ve talked about healthy and unhealthy relationships. We opened our bottled or you know – canned up feelings and released them to a colorful orangey paper. But before that, let’s get down to the food. Mmm. As all you iCarly fans out there know, the famous spaghetti tacos are creative…

  • Support AgeUp!!

    BIG NEWS HERE!! A great organization, The Women’s Funding Alliance, is hosting a fundraiser on AgeUP’s behalf. ‘Transforming Girl’s Future through Sports’ is trying to raise money for four programs and will match dollar for dollar up to $5,000, a potential for $10,000!! “Women’s Funding Alliance is collaborating with four organizations–AGE UP, Girls on…

  • Hello, my peeps.

    January 16th was an interesting day at Age Up (as if any other day isn’t). It started off with Mandy laughing hysterically while rolling on the ground. She claimed she was being tickled but I believe that she is just weird. Everyone was setting up tables for dinner and delicious smells were wafting from the…

  • Self-Confidence vs Insecurity

    January 18th’s first year session was all about self-confidence and insecurity. We started off the night with delicious ratatouille and cous cous, then we checked in, as per usual. The first years grouped into their pre-assigned groups and, together, defined certain  words: confidence, insecurity, cocky, and self-image. Each group shared out their definitions and drawings.…

  • The Youth Board Goes “Nonprofit”

    Welcome back, readers.  For clarification, the Youth Board consists of a group of returners responsible for AGE-UP’s long-term goals. This past Tuesday, the Youth Board got together to learn about “nonprofit” organizations. As we sat around the table eating sandwiches, Lynda arguably drew up the best agenda of all time. After, we played the Nonprofit game.…

  • Talking Race with the First Years

      At this First year session Race was the topic. First we started off with check in and how we felt like usual. Then Lisa brought out all of her fruits to demonstrate how race is similar to vegetables and fruits. It sounds complicated but it’s not that complicated. Race is like sorting vegetables, it’s…

  • Today’s (yesterday’s) session was really great! We opened the night with some mouth-watering chili and cornbread, and we all chowed down while we did a check in. Linda chose the question tonight—“If you were a book, what book would you be?” There was definitely a lot of confusion as to what exactly that meant, but we…

  • Facilitation Group Field Trip!

    Written By Susan On January 7, Tiffany, Azia, Jhanelle, Hana and I went to visit Planned Parenthood to prepare to run an upcoming workshop on Sex Ed. At Planned Parenthood, we talked to 3 different sex educators, Teddy, Megan, and Becky, about methods to facilitate a successful workshop. Going into the meeting, we had absolutely…

  • Breakventure!

    January 3rd Burrrrrr! The first years and the other years came out for a scrimmage today while the sun was still out. Shortly after we headed to Pho Rainier for a soup feast!!! It was amazing how we all just ate, chatted, and took a very uh-maz-ing down the table photo with NO ONE cut…